salt - the secret superfood

often salt is vilified in todays society because many consume too much in processed foods, causing disease and cardiovascular problems. however, with the stigma getting larger the inverse issue occurs, and many cut out salt completely when looking to improve diet. this is a grave mistake. salt is vital for maintaining the body's health and functionality. it regulates fluid balance, supports nerve impulse transmission, and facilitates muscle contractions by maintaining proper electrolyte levels. sodium, a key component of salt, helps ensure that cells, tissues, and organs function correctly and that blood pressure remains stable. without adequate salt, the body’s ability to perform these essential processes can be compromised, leading to potential health issues such as dehydration, muscle cramps, and imbalances in bodily functions. any day you sweat, (which is everyday for some) is a day where you should be supplementing salt, which is exactly why we carry salt based electrolytes, made with real natural pink himalayan salt.

salt-based electrolytes

the dangers of melatonin

everyone has taken melatonin when in dire need of sleep, but too often we find ourselves loading up on 5, 10, 15 gummies just to get the same affect as before. Why is that? Well, the research is clear. When taking melatonin for extended periods of time, our body will stop producing our naturally occurring melatonin, leaving the same insomnia problems as before. Even more important however, there is no proven studies showing a positive effect of melatonin on a deep restful sleep. Meaning, you may be put to sleep quicker, but the quality of your sleep will worsen, meaning you will wake up feeling drowsy and foggy, or your body will keep you asleep longer for a normal nights rest. This is exactly why we carry our deep sleep aid, a melatonin free option that promotes relaxation and causes a deep sleep full of vivid dreams. Made with all natural compounds and herbs often found in tea, your body will not build a tolerance and the same dosage will work every. single. night.

deep sleep aid
  • magnesium

    nearly 75% of Americans are deficient in magnesium, and don't know what they are missing out on. magnesium is crucial for maintaining overall health, as it supports muscle and nerve function, regulates blood sugar levels, and contributes to bone strength. It also helps with energy production and protein synthesis, making it essential for numerous biochemical processes in the body.

  • vitamin D

    especially in the winter, almost nobody gets the proper sunlight they need. many either are outside for hours at a time, or inside all day. the sweet spot lies around 20-45 minutes a day of (nearly) FULL BODY exposure for proper vitamin D intake. around 50% are deficient in vitamin D, and that number rises in the winter. Often coined the happy vitamin, vitamin D is crucial in mood regulation, and is the key reason many experience "seasonal depression".

  • fiber

    everybody knows this one.... the key ingredient in the formulation of your waste. the recommended daily intake is only around 20-30 grams of fiber, but many come nowhere close. fiber is abundant in fruits and vegetables, but supplementation is always a easy and quick option for anyone. getting your proper fiber will lead to better poops, and a cleaner gut which will do wonders for your skin and overall mood throughout the day.

my story

my name is dom, and growing up I never prioritized health ever, I thought it was stupid to do so. we are all gonna die anyway right? this led to countless issues, from being overweight, having a face riddled with acne, bloating, inflammation, and any other gross bodily issue you can imagine. I was recommended prescription pills to solve my problem, instead of breaking the problem at its source. eventually, enough was enough. I was sent on a journey of holistic health, realizing that most problems occurring within the human body can be solved using the gifts from our earth, now at 20 years old I've created supernatural - a line of everyday products, made with all natural ingredients to HEAL your body instead of harm it.
